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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Eyes + BLU Medic

Finally found out a way to do these! I spend around 4 hours making 21 different ones...
Looks pretty realistic yes? Making the reflection was the hardest part.
100% made in Photoshop CS3 by painting and using vanilla brushes.
Put so much detail into these...
Then turns out that you can barely even notice them! GODDAMNIT. And there is some sort of a lighting that makes them really milky as seen above. The eyes are orginally as blue as the scout's shirt. SO ANNOYING.
For example these look like this:
Oh well this is the new BLU medic skin. I got tired of the dark blue one and it really didn't suit the rest of the team.
Goes so well with the aperture weapon skins...
I'm tempted to make the RED medic as "clean"...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Monday, September 06, 2010

Im kind of annoyed or something...

Did some 6v6 in hope of feeling a bit better... even if we won it just added to the stress lol.
Scouts getting me all the time. My mouse is being crappy and twiching a bit - i can barely aim with the scattergun thus I must play medic more...
Other medics seem to be having more fun than I do.
Just look at that face.

Off to a highlander match... really dont feel like going but fff... atm there's no one to replace me.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Too Much Fun

I LOVE this new HUD I found. It's so simple and clear. Cant remember it's creator/name, I'll be sad if I somehow lose it.
Been playing medic a LOT lately (2-4 hours a day or soemthing)... my whole finger is all red and sore from pressing M1 too much and too hard. :(